

Skills that Deliever Across Job Fields

The Top Skills I Apply to a Job or Project:

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How Would my Colleagues describe me in 3 words?

  • DETAILED-ORIENTED - Whether setting up event logistics or writing a press release on a proposed bill, I am focused on the details to ensure the product reinforces the end-goal message, positive optics, and supports long-term goals. My attention to detail has earned me the reputation as Chair of the East Hampton Economic Development Commission of a leader who comes prepared and unafraid to ask questions.

  • Ready to Learn and Improve

  • EMPATHETIC - In times of crisis, a team shows its strength. During the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, I partnered with my colleagues in the Connecticut State Senate Democrats sometimes on 12-hour work days to distribute information on relief resources and COVID-19 updates to the public. We did this while colleagues cared for family members, their mental health, and struggled with financial concerns. But also, I provided a comforting ear to residents reaching out when they didn’t know where to turn for help with unemployment, housing issues, finding testing sites, or emotional exhaustion. I carry these experiences because they ground what drives my passion today to help people.